What we’re thankful for

For Family Home Evening tonight, we made a list of the things we are thankful for.  Here is what we came up with.

  1. Super-Luke, Luke-ee-spook, Louie-Luke
  2. Microsoft benefits, especially health insurance
  3. Family
  4. Home
  5. Full-time employment
  6. Freedom of religion
  7. Reliable car
  8. That Cheryl can be a stay-at-home mom
  9. Rain because it makes everything so fresh and clean, or muddy and wet depending on how you look at it.
  10. Different perspectives
  11. Sleep (when we can get it)
  12. Food, and food storage
  13. Friends, who are so generous in helping us get ready for our baby
  14. Sarah had a baby
  15. Rebecca is pregnant
  16. Mike got a new house
  17. Sean got into BYU
  18. That Isaac got into BYU too
  19. Nathan got himself a woman
  20. Matthew can teach Andrew stock market research techniques
  21. Andy is going to be the first Mackrory to become a citizen (in December)
  22. Hannah’s entertaining book
  23. Jared has interviews with Stanford and Wharton
  24. Our health
  25. Luke is developing well
  26. The Ric & Lisa Lewis’ family is having a baby
  27. Our opportunity to go to South Africa next year

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