Archive for January, 2010
Standing for Truth and Righteousness…
There is nothing quite like the feeling you get when you read something that you truly believe in. It gives you a sense of the greatness that is found in each of us if we stand with conviction and determination in a just cause.
I can think of several documents that have stirred this feeling in me…
The Proclamation on the Family
And the latest…The Manhattan Declaration – read it (and for that matter, read the others too). It is powerful. It makes me proud to be part of a nation founded by men who feared God and held sacred these freedoms and rights, and most of all, proud to be a Christian!
I encourage you to read the full version before you sign it, not just to make sure that you know what you’re signing, but because it will make signing it, all the more meaningful – it was the best 15 minutes I spent ALL day – and I had a pretty good day…