True Love…

Our family recently went to Idaho to attend Andrew’s brother’s wedding.  It was so fun to be there with his family, I am truly blessed with the kind of in-laws I have – which I know is rare.  I had spent the last several weeks sewing bowties for the little boys, and skirts for Emily and her cousin, and for me.  That and the other projects I had taken up had made life quite busy.  As we sat there in the sealing room in the temple, listening to the inspired words from their Sealer (the man who performed the marriage) it was the peace my heart needed and a gentle but strong reminder that this is what it’s all about.  As the sun came streaming through the stained glass window and glistened off the crystal chandelier, it was an honor to be there in God’s presence, surrounded by family to witness the joining of two people for eternity.  I am thankful for the glimpse of heaven being in temple gives us and the peace it gives my sometimes troubled soul… 


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